Professur für Sportmanagement
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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard Grohs
Telefon: +43 6212 2626-43
Reinhard Grohs
Persönliche Angaben | |
14.10.1974 | Geboren in Wien (Österreich) |
Akademischer Werdegang | |
Seit 2014 | Professor für Sportmanagement an der Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg, Österreich |
2014 | Habilitation im Bereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Innsbruck, Österreich |
2009-2014 | Assistant Professor am Brand Research Laboratory und am Institut für Strategisches Management, Marketing und Tourismus der Universität Innsbruck, Österreich |
2006-2009 | Assistant Professor am Lehrstuhl für Marketing, Universität Wien, Österreich |
2005 | Lecturer am Lehrstuhl für Marketing der University of Otago, Neuseeland |
2004 | Doktorat der Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Dr.), Universität Wien, Österreich. |
1999-2004 | Assistant Professor am Lehrstuhl für Marketing, Universität Wien, Österreich |
1999 | Magister der Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Wien, Österreich |
Unterrichtstätigkeiten an anderen Institutionen | |
International University of Monaco: DBA, University of Lorraine: Master Program in Marketing, University of New Orleans: Summer School in Innsbruck, University of Applied Sciences Eisenstadt: Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, University of Vienna: MBA General Management, University of Applied Sciences Krems: Tourismusmanagement, University of Salzburg: Fachbereich für Kommunikationswissenschaften | |
Gutachtertätigkeiten | |
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Australasian Marketing Journal, Cogent Psychology, der markt – Journal für Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, European Sport Management Quarterly, International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of the Global Academy of Marketing Science, Marketing Review St. Gallen, Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Psychology & Marketing, Schmalenbach Business Review, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Spectrum der Sportwissenschaften, Sport Marketing Quarterly, The Olympic Studies Centre Advanced Olympic Research Grant Program |
LIVE-Video mit Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard Grohs
Professur in Zahlen
Teammitglieder und betreute Dissertant:innen
Jill Paarsch
Externe Dissertantin
Herausforderungen und Chancen für innovatives Sportsponsoring: Virtuelle Werbung und personalisierte Werbebotschaften
Tanja Kantelhardt
Martin Kaswurm
Externer Dissertant
Andreas Gollhofer
Externer Dissertant
Alexandra Mandl
Externe Dissertantin
Karin Foidl-Mehrländer
Externe Dissertantin
Employer attractiveness in tourism – a social identity perspective on attracting and retaining employees
Jill Paarsch
Virtuelle Werbung stellt ein innovatives Instrument im Sportsponsoring dar, welches den werbenden Unternehmen die Möglichkeit bietet, Botschaften zielgruppengerecht an die unterschiedlichen Zielmärkte zu adaptieren. Für das Sportsponsoring bedeutet dies im ersten Schritt neue Einnahmequellen und die Erschließung neuer Märkte sowie die Möglichkeit einer kundenorientierten Ansprache. Jill Paarsch untersucht in diesem Kontext daher, inwiefern virtuelle Werbung zur Internationalisierung im Sportsponsoring beitragen kann und welche Markenpositionierungsstrategien von den Unternehmen derzeit genutzt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang entstehen außerdem neue Werbeumfelder. Fehlende Exklusivität und inkongruente Co-Sponsoren stellen dabei nur einen Teil zukünftiger Herausforderungen dar.
Für die Praxis liefern die Forschungsergebnisse relevante Strategien und Leitlinien für Manager und Entscheidungsträger, um virtuelle Werbung im Sportsponsoring erfolgreich zu implementieren und Sponsoringengagements langfristig nachhaltig zu gestalten.
Tanja Kantelhardt
Tanja Kantelhardt, Dissertantin an der Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg, forscht im Rahmen ihrer Dissertation zu dem Thema „Einfluss von Emotionen auf den Alkoholkonsum bei Sportevents“. Der Konsum von Alkohol ist, vor allem in der westlichen Welt (Europa, USA, Australien/Neuseeland), ein sozial akzeptierter Bestandteil von Events, der schwerwiegende negative Konsequenzen auf individueller wie sozialer Ebene nach sich ziehen kann. Ziel ist es, mit quantitativen Analysen die Ursachen des erhöhten Alkoholkonsums bei Sportevents zu erkennen und mögliche Einflussgrößen zu identifizieren. Mit diesem Wissen als Grundlage können ressourceneffiziente Maßnahmen und Strategien zur Reduktion eines gefährlichen Alkoholkonsums entwickelt werden, um entsprechenden Konsequenzen entgegenwirken zu können.
Martin Kaswurm
Martin Kaswurm’s dissertation project “Adaptability in leadership in international sports organizations” explores factors influencing the adaptability of sports organizations. Grounded in the Resource-Based View and Dynamic Capabilities framework, this project delves into various dimensions such as leadership styles, inclusion, diversity, and adaptive leadership. An initial review of general management theories sets the stage for this investigation, followed by an analysis of existing sports management literature to identify key gaps. Primary data for a qualitative study will be collected through narrative interviews with leaders from international sports organizations. These interviews, complemented by secondary data, are designed to uncover factors positively impacting adaptability, pinpoint existing obstacles, and illuminate environmental conditions conducive to high adaptability in sports organizations. Using the outcomes of this study, a quantitative study focuses on the generalizability of the findings. This study intends to quantify the drivers and barriers to organizational adaptability identified in the qualitative phase, measure outcomes such as adaptability and team coherence across a wide range of sports organizations, and analyze the composition of leadership teams. The ultimate goal of the dissertation project is to provide comprehensive theoretical and empirical insights into the elements that foster enhanced adaptability in sports organizations, thereby enriching the understanding of effective leadership and organizational dynamics in the sports industry.
Karin Foidl-Mehrländer
Employer attractiveness in tourism – a social identity perspective on attracting and retaining employees
Attracting and retaining employees remains challenging for many service and tourism organizations but turns out to be crucial for increasing customer satisfaction and sustainable competitive advantage. The relatively high demand for well-trained skilled employees is offset by a small pool of interested applicants and results therefore in considerable hiring and developing costs. Employer branding and internal branding have proven to be promising strategies to present companies as attractive employers by highlighting (unique) organizational and job attributes, resulting in more competitive recruiting and turnover management.
This doctoral thesis investigates job attributes tourism firms can address to enhance their employer attractiveness. The conceptualization phase of this dissertation includes an exploratory approach that consists of a systematic literature review on internal branding in tourism, as well as on job attributes preferences in general. Using fsQCA, I then investigate job attributes preferences of future and current tourism employees over the lifespan. Additionally, I examine how life events affect the perception of job attributes. The study provides recommendations on how tourism firms can effectively address the complex expectations and preferences of potential applicants and current employees and make use of relevant job attributes in their internal and employer branding activities.
Profil der Professur
- Sportmarketing und Sponsoring
- Quantitative Verfahren im Schnittpunkt der Marken- und Kommunikationsforschung
Master und Doktorat:
- Forschungskolloquium im Doktorat (Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg)
- Introduction to Quantitative Methods (International University of Monaco)
- Applied Quantitative Methods (International University of Monaco)
- Advanced Quantitative Methods (International University of Monaco)
- Research Seminar in Marketing Communication (University of Lorraine)
- Evaluation of Marketing Communication (University of Lorraine)
- Forschungsseminar Schwerpunkt Sportmanagement (Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg)
- Internationales Sportmarketing und Sponsoring (Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg)
- Management Research (Universität Innsbruck)
- Brand Research (Universität Innsbruck)
- Marketingkommunikation (Universität Wien)
- Empirische Sponsoringforschung (Universität Salzburg)
- Quantitative Data Analysis (University of Otago)
- Quantitative Research Methods (University of Otago)
- Marktforschung (Universität Wien)
- Segmentierung (Universität Wien)
- Bachelor Thesis Seminar (Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg)
- Fallstudienseminar: Anwendung quantitativer Methoden im Sport- und Eventmanagement (Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg)
- Marketing im Sportmanagement (Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg)
- Forschungsseminar im Sport- und Eventmanagement (Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg)
- Einführung in das Studium Sport- und Eventmanagement (Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg)
- Mathematik für das Sport- und Eventmanagement (Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg)
- Sport and Event Marketing (University of New Orleans; Summer School)
- Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (Universität Wien)
- Business Project (supervision) (University of Otago)
- Consumer Behaviour (University of Otago)
- Sports Marketing (University of Otago)
- Eventmarketing (Universität Wien)
- Modellgestützte Unternehmensplanung (FH Eisenstadt)
- Grundlagen des Marketing (Universität Wien)
- Evaluierung der Sportstrategie Niederösterreich 2020: Teilprojekt Markenevaluierung
- Conference (Co-)Chair of Brand Camp 1 (2011), 2 (2013), 3 (2015), 4 (2018), 5 (2022), and 6 (2024)
- Conference (Co-)Chair of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship Conference (2016)
- Member of the scientific committee of various sport management and marketing conferences
- Member of the editorial review board of Journal of Advertising Research (since 2023)
- Member of the editorial board of International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (since 2023)
- Ad hoc Reviewer für mehr als 30 Marketing- und Sportmanagement Journale, Konferenzen und wissenschaftliche Ausschreibungen
- Advisor, examiner, reviewer, chair and committee member for PhD theses, Habilitations- and Berufungsverfahren
- Christoph Pachucki: Social Media Storytelling in Tourism Destinations: An Empirical Investigation of the Storyteller as a Narrative Element and Crisis-Induced Changes in Destination Social Media Content
Über Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard Grohs
Reinhard Grohs ist seit 1. September 2014 Inhaber der Professur für Sportmanagement an der Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg. Er studierte Internationale Betriebswirtschaft an der Universität Wien und der Monash University in Melbourne und schloss sein Doktorat 2004 ab. Von 1999 bis 2014 arbeitete er am Department of Marketing an der Universität Wien, an der University of Otago in Neuseeland sowie am Brand Research Laboratory und am Institut für Strategisches Management, Marketing und Tourismus der Universität Innsbruck, wo er 2014 auch habilitiert wurde. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in der Anwendung von quantitativen Verfahren im Schnittpunkt der Marken- und Kommunikationsforschung, insbesondere im Sportmarketing und Sponsoring.
Seine Studien wurden in anerkannten Fachzeitschriften im Marketing (z.B. European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Advertising, International Marketing Review, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, Psychology & Marketing) ebenso wie in den drei Top-Journalen im Sportmanagement (European Sport Management Quarterly, Journal of Sport Management, Sport Management Review) veröffentlicht und in nationalen und internationalen Medien wie ORF, ARD, Deutschlandfunk, Die Presse und Die Welt zitiert.
Meine Film-Empfehlung
Meine Website-Empfehlung
Publikationen und Transferleistungen der Professur
Grohs, R., Wieser, V., & Pristach, M. (2020). Value cocreation at sport events, European Sport Management Quarterly, 20(1), 69-87
Grohs, R. (2016). Drivers of brand image improvement in sports-event sponsorship. International Journal of Advertising, 35(3), 391-420
Grohs, R., Reisinger, H., & Woisetschläger, D. (2015). Attenuation of negative sponsorship effects in the context of rival sports teams’ fans. European Journal of Marketing, 49(11/12), 1880-1901
Grohs, R., Wagner, U., & Steiner, R. (2012). An investigation of children’s ability to identify sponsors and understand sponsorship intentions. Psychology & Marketing, 29(11), 907-917
Pachucki, C., Grohs, R., & Scholl-Grissemann, U. (2021). No story without a storyteller: The impact of the storyteller as a narrative element in online destination marketing. Journal of Travel Research,
Wolfsteiner, E., Grohs, R., & Reisinger, H. (2021). The impact of name and shame disclosure strategies on sponsor and ambusher brand attitude. Journal of Business Research, 124, 770-779.
Hohenberger, C., & Grohs, R. (2020). Old and exciting? Spontaneous trait transference and sport sponsorship effects on brand age and brand personality. Sport Management Review, 23(3), 469-481.
Grohs, R., Wieser, V., & Pristach, M. (2020). Value cocreation at sport events, European Sport Management Quarterly, 20(1), 69-87.
Carrillat, F., & Grohs, R. (2019). Can a replacing sponsor benefit? Consumer responses toward a new sponsor in the context of a sponsorship change. European Journal of Marketing, 53(12), 2481-2500.
Schroll, R., & Grohs, R. (2019). Uncertainty in pre-release advertising. Journal of Advertising, 48(2), 167-180.
Koll, O., Raies, K., Grohs, R., & Mühlbacher, H. (2018). Qu’est-ce qu’une marque forte? Une approche par les configurations des associations de la marque. Décisions Marketing, 92(Octobre-Décembre), 97-113.
Hofer, K. M., & Grohs, R. (2018). Sponsorship as an Internal Branding Tool and Its Effects on Employees’ Identification with the Brand. Journal of Brand Management, 25(3), 266-275.
Husemann, K. C., Eckhardt, G. M., Grohs, R., & Saceanu, R. E. (2016). The Dynamic Interplay between Structure, Anastructure and Antistructure in Extraordinary Experiences. Journal of Business Research, 69(9), 3361-3370.
Mühlbacher, H., Raies, K., Grohs, R., & Koll, O. (2016). Drivers of Brand Strength: Configural Paths to Strong Cognitive Brand Equity, Journal of Business Research, 69(8), 2774-2780.
Grohs, R. (2016). Drivers of Brand Image Improvement in Sports-event Sponsorship, International Journal of Advertising, 35(3), 391-420.
Grohs, R., Raies, K., Koll, O., & Mühlbacher, H. (2016). One Pie, Many Recipes: Alternative Paths to High Brand Strength, Journal of Business Research, 69(6), 2244-2251.
Grohs, R., Reisinger, H., & Woisetschläger, D. (2015). Attenuation of Negative Sponsorship Effects in the Context of Rival Sports Teams’ Fans, European Journal of Marketing, 49(11/12), 1880-1901.
Wolfsteiner, E., Grohs, R., & Wagner, U. (2015). Memory Effects of Different Relational Links between Brands and Sponsored Events. Psychology & Marketing, 32(10), 1031-1048.
Wolfsteiner, E., Grohs, R., & Wagner, U. (2015). What Drives Ambush Marketer Misidentification. Journal of Sport Management, 29(2), 137-154.
Grohs, R., & Reisinger, H. (2014). Sponsorship Effects on Brand Image: The Role of Exposure and Activity Involvement. Journal of Business Research, 67(5), 1018-1025.
Grohs, R., Reisinger, H., Wolfsteiner, E., & Haas, J. (2013). At What Age and How Does Understanding of Product Placement Develop? Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 35(1), 22-31.
Gazley, A., Krisjanous, J., Fam, K.-S., & Grohs, R. (2012). Like It or Not: Differences in Advertising Likeability and Dislikeability within Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 24(1), 23-40.
Grohs, R., Wagner, U., & Steiner, R. (2012). An Investigation of Children’s Ability to Identify Sponsors and Understand Sponsorship Intentions. Psychology & Marketing, 29(11), 907-917.
Fam, K.-S., Grohs, R., & Waller, D. (2011). Effects of Disliked Executional Techniques in Advertising: A Five-country Comparison. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 24, 69-89.
Grohs, R., & Wagner, U. (2011). Erkennen und verstehen Kinder kontextverbundene Markenpräsentationen? Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 33(1), 7-18.
Grohs, R., Ebster, C., & Kummer, C. (2009). „An meinen Fähigkeiten als Liebhaber habe ich schon gezweifelt“ – Die Messung sozial erwünschten Antwortverhaltens. Marketing ZFP – Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis, 31(2), 87-100.
Fam, K.-S., & Grohs, R. (2007). Cultural Values and Effective Executional Techniques in Advertising: A Cross-country and Product Category Study of Urban Young Adults in Asia. International Marketing Review, 24(5), 519-538.
Grohs, R., Reisinger, H., & Kappler, S. (2006). Wirksamkeit von Sozio-Sponsorings: Die Bedeutung der Höhe der Sponsoring-Ausgaben und der Auffälligkeit der Inszenierung. der markt, 45(2), 77-87.
Grohs, R., & Reisinger, H. (2005). Image Transfer in Sports Sponsorships – An Assessment of Moderating Effects. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 7(1), 42-48.
Grohs, R., Wagner, U., & Vsetecka, S. (2004). Assessing the Effectiveness of Sports Sponsorships – An Empirical Examination. Schmalenbach Business Review, 56(2), 119-138.
Srnka, K. J., Grohs, R., & Eckler, I. (2003). Increasing Fundraising Efficiency by Segmenting Donors. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 11(1), 70-86.
Wagner, U., Grohs, R., & Stadler, E. (2001). Einige Überlegungen zur Preisbildung im österreichischen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel im Zuge der Umstellung auf den Euro. der markt, 40(2-3), 110-120.
Woisetschläger, D. M., Backhaus, C., Grohs, R., & Koll, O. (2019). Positionierung im Wettbewerb. Markenartikel, 8, 18–21.
Konferenzbeiträge (Proceedings und Präsentationen)
Grohs, R., Koll, O., & Lintumäki, P. (2023). Ethnocentrism, global connectedness, and foreign country affinity shape foreign sport league consumption through (home and foreign) team identification and league quality perceptions. NASSM 2023 Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 31-June 3 2023
Grohs, R., Koll, O., & Lintumäki, P. (2023). Drivers of foreign soccer league consumption. 12. Innsbrucker Sportökonomie und -management Symposium, Obergurgl, Austria, April 6-8 2023
Uhrich, S., Grohs, R., & Königstorfer, J. (2022). A framework of customer-to-customer interactions in the sport fan context. 30th EASM Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, September 5-8 2022
Grohs, R., Reisinger, H., & Zabara, N. (2022). Effects of sponsorship exposure and sponsor placement on sponsor image. 7th French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behaviour, Saarbrücken, Germany, July 3-7 2022
Scholl-Grissemann, U., Grohs, R., & Pachucki, C. (2022). Social media marketing communication of tourism destinations before and during COVID-19: An application of media richness theory. Proceedings of the 51st EMAC Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 24-27 2022
Stäbler, S., & Grohs, R. (2022). Impact of sponsorship announcements on consumer brand perception and stock return. Brand Camp 5, Obergurgl, Austria, March 31-April 2 2022
Grohs, R., Backhaus, C., Koll, O., & Woisetschläger, D.M. (2022). Markenassoziationen von Fußballvereinen: Einflussgrößen und Konsequenzen. 11. Innsbrucker Sportökonomie und -management Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, March 3 2022
Pachucki, C., Grohs, R., & Scholl-Grissemann, U. (2021). Who Is the better storyteller? The impact of storytellers in destination social media posts on sharing of social media content. Proceedings of the 50th EMAC Conference, Madrid, Spain, May 25-28 2021 (virtual)
Grohs, R., Backhaus, C., Koll, O., & Woisetschläger, D.M. (2021). Markenassoziationsnetzwerke von Sportteams am Beispiel der Deutschen Fußball-Bundesliga. 10. Innsbrucker Sportökonomie und -management Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, March 4 2021
Pachucki, C., Grohs, R., & Scholl-Grissemann, U. (2020). Stories need storytellers: The impact of storyteller as a narrative element in tourism destination marketing. TTRA 2020 European Chapter Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, September 28-30 2020
Grohs, R., Backhaus, C., Koll, O., & Woisetschläger, D.M. (2020). Drivers of attitudes toward sport teams for fans and non-fans. Proceedings of the 49th EMAC Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 26-29 2020 (canceled due to COVID-19)
Wolfsteiner, E., Grohs, R., & Garaus, M. (2020). Brand associative networks in an event context: Drivers of favorability and strength. Brand Camp 5, Obergurgl, Austria, March 12-14 2020 (canceled due to COVID-19)
Grohs, R., Woisetschläger, D.M., Backhaus, & C., Koll, O. (2019). Brand associations in professional team sports. 6th French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behaviour, Nancy, France, November 20-22 2019
Grohs, R., & Mertens, H. (2019). How do sponsorships affect employees of large versus small companies? 27th EASM Conference, Seville, Spain, September 3-6 2019
Backhaus, C., Grohs, R., Koll, O., & Woisetschläger, D.M. (2019). Brand associations in professional team sports: A re‐conceptualization. 6th International Consumer Brand Relationship Conference, Cancun, Mexico, May 19-21 2019
Gollhofer, A., & Grohs, R. (2019). Outsourcing of sport sponsorships: The role of dynamic capabilities of sponsors and sponsees. 9. Innsbrucker Sportökonomie und -management Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, March 7 2019
Grohs, R., Pristach, M., & Wieser, V. (2018). How sport events create value. 26th EASM Conference, Malmö, Sweden, September 5-8 2018
Koll, O., Grohs, R., Raies, K., & Mühlbacher, H. (2018). Asymmetric drivers of high and low brand equity. Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, May 29-June 1 2018
Reisinger, H., Grohs, R., & Bachner, K. (2018). Sponsorship and rival groups: Positive and negative effects, attenuation, and the role of stimulus scope. Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, May 29-June 1 2018
Grohs, R., & Husemann, K.C. (2018). Service providers’ role in the cocreation of extraordinary experiences. Brand Camp 4, Obergurgl, Austria, April 5-7 2018
Wolfsteiner, E., Grohs, R., & Reisinger, H. (2018). The impact of different ambush marketing disclosure strategies on sponsor and ambusher brand attitude. Sport Marketing and Sponsorship Conference, San Diego, USA, March 8-10 2018
Koll, O., Grohs, R., Mühlbacher, H., & Raies, K. (2018). High equity brands don’t need many, favorable, unique, and shared associations. AMA Winter Marketing Educators Conference, New Orleans, USA, February 23-25 2018
Grohs, R., & Schneider, S. (2017). Leveraging sponsorships with advertising: Affiliation or contribution? 2017 ANZMAC Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December 2-6 2017
Grohs, R., & Ruggiero, M. (2017). Affiliation vs. contribution: Sponsorship communication effects on consumer response. 25th EASM Conference, Bern, Switzerland, September 5-8 2017
Schroll, R., & Grohs, R. (2017). Differential effects of uncertainty in new product preannouncements. AMA Summer Marketing Educators Conference, San Francisco, USA, August 4-6 2017
Grohs, R., & Schroll, R. (2017). Construal level theory explains consumer response to uncertainty in new product preannouncements. Proceedings of the 46th EMAC Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, May 23-26 2017
Grohs, R., & Wieser V. (2017). Blame Games im Kontext der FIFA-Krise. 7. Innsbrucker Sportökonomie und -management Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, March 16 2017
Grohs, R., & Mutschler, M. (2016). Reasons for sport sponsorship breakdowns. 24th EASM Conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 7-10 2016
Hofer, K.M., & Grohs, R. (2016). Drivers of employees’ organizational identification and commitment in the context of sport sponsorship. 2016 AMS 19th World Marketing Congress, Paris, France, July 20-22 2016
Koll, O., Mühlbacher, H., Raies, K., & Grohs, R. (2016). Brand association patterns driving high brand strength. 2016 AMS 19th World Marketing Congress, Paris, France, July 20-22 2016
Hofer, K.M., & Grohs, R. (2016). Drivers of employees’ organizational identification and commitment in the context of sport sponsorship. Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway, May 24-27 2016
Mutschler, M., & Grohs, R. (2016). Alles hat ein Ende: Gründe für die Beendigung von Sportsponsorings. 6. Innsbrucker Sportökonomie und -management Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, March 17 2016
Schroll, R., & Grohs, R. (2016). Positive effects of uncertainty in new product preannouncements. 2016 AMA Winter Marketing Academic Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, February 26-28 2016
Grohs, R., & Wolfsteiner, E. (2015). How and why brands benefit from sport events. French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behaviour, Bayreuth, Germany, November 26-27 2015
Mühlbacher, H., Raies, K., Grohs, R., & Koll, O. (2015). Does context matter? The stability of association patterns driving high brand strength. French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behaviour, Bayreuth, Germany, November 26-27 2015
Husemann, K.C., Eckhardt, G.M., Grohs, R., & Saceanu, R.E. (2015). The dynamic interplay between structure, anastructure and antistructure in extraordinary experiences. 2015 North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, New Orleans, LA, USA, October 1-4 2015
Schroll, R., & Grohs, R. (2015). Reconsidering uncertainty in preannouncements. 2015 North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, New Orleans, LA, USA, October 1-4 2015
Grohs, R., & Herbst, C. (2015). Spillover effects in a team-league context. 23rd EASM Conference, Dublin, Ireland, September 9-12 2015
Grohs, R., Raies, K., Koll, O., & Mühlbacher, H. (2015). One pie, many recipes: Alternative paths to high brand strength. 2015 Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management (GEIM) Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, July 29-31 2015
Mühlbacher, H., Raies, K., Grohs, R., & Koll, O. (2015). Drivers of brand strength: Interaction patterns of brand association characteristics. 2015 GIKA-Europe Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain, July 14-16 2015
Grohs, R., & Wolfsteiner, E. (2015). How brands establish associations with sport events. Proceedings of the 44th EMAC Conference, Leuven, Belgium, May 26-29 2015
Wolfsteiner, E., Grohs, R., & Reisinger, H. (2015). The impact of different ambush marketing disclosure strategies on brand attitude. Proceedings of the 44th EMAC Conference, Leuven, Belgium, May 26-29 2015
Schroll, R., & Grohs, R. (2015). Positive effects of uncertainty in preannouncements. Proceedings of the 44th EMAC Conference, Leuven, Belgium, May 26-29 2015
Wolfsteiner, E., Grohs, R., & Reisinger, H. (2015). How ambush marketing disclosure works: The impact of different disclosure strategies on brand attitude. Brand Camp 3, Obergurgl, Austria, March 20-22 2015
Glatzmaier, A., & Grohs, R. (2015). Effekte von Sponsoring-Beendigungen: Ein Experiment am Beispiel des FC Bayern München. 5. Innsbrucker Sportökonomie und –management Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, February 26 2015
Grohs R., & Köhler A. (2014). Auswahl von Sportsponsoring-Engagements mit Hilfe der Conjoint Analyse. 15. Kongress der Österreichischen Sportwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck, Austria, November 27-29 2014
Grohs, R., & Koll, O. (2014). Uniqueness and (false) consensus: Two important facets of brand associations? AMA Summer Marketing Educators Conference, San Francisco, USA, August 1-3 2014
Schroll, R., & Grohs, R. (2014). Reconsidering uncertainty in preannouncements. AMA Summer Marketing Educators Conference, San Francisco, USA, August 1-3 2014
Schroll, R., Hribar, A., Wieder, L., & Grohs, R. (2014). An investigation of the positive effects of uncertainty in preannouncements. 21st International Product Development Management Conference, Limerick, Ireland, June 14-17 2014
Schroll, R., & Grohs, R. (2014). Come and see what we’ve found: Reconsidering uncertainty in preannouncements. Proceedings of the 43rd EMAC Conference, Valencia, Spain, June 3-6 2014
Husemann, K.C., Grohs, R., & Saceanu, R.E. (2014). Pilgrimages betwixt and between: Constructing extraordinary experiences between antistructure and structure. French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behavior, Paris, France, April 24-25 2014
Pristach, M., Stöckl, V., & Grohs, R. (2014). Mehr als Event-Sponsoring: Wertschöpfungspraktiken am Beispiel des Freeride World Qualifiers in Hochfügen. 4. Sportökonomie und -management Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, March 6 2014
Grohs, R., Köpfer, K.L., & Woisetschläger, D.M. (2013). An examination of conditions that moderate negative effects of sponsorship terminations on fan attitudes toward the former sponsor. World Marketing Congress, Melbourne, Australia, July 17-20 2013
In der Wiesche, J., Grohs, R., & Fischer, G. (2013). The use of images in informational websites: Effects on trust, browsing behavior, and memory. Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 4-7 2013
Grohs, R., Reisinger, H., & Wolfsteiner, E. (2013). Consumer attitudes toward sponsors vs. ambushers. 7th International Research Days on Marketing Communications, Wolfsburg, Germany, April 18-19 2013
Grohs, R., Reisinger, H., Wolfsteiner, E., & Haas, J. (2012). Children’s understanding of product placement. French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behaviour, Innsbruck, Austria, November 29 – December 1 2012 (Best Paper Award)
Wolfsteiner, E., Grohs, R., & Wagner, U. (2012). An experimental investigation of sponsorship effectiveness in the presence of ambush marketing. Research Conference in Sport Marketing: Focus on Sponsorship, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 21-22 2012
Grohs, R., Reisinger, H., & Haas, J. (2012). Children’s understanding of product placement. Proceedings of the 41st EMAC Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, May 22-25 2012
Wolfsteiner, E., Grohs, R., & Wagner, U. (2012). Sponsorship effects in the presence of ambush marketing. 6th International Research Days on Marketing Communications, Nancy, France, March 29-30 2012
Grohs, R., & Ruggiero, M. (2012). Leveraging sport sponsorships: Effects of contribution vs. affiliation approaches on consumer attitudes toward the sponsor. 2. Innsbrucker Sportökonomie und -management Symposium & 4th International Sport Business Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, January 12 2012
Grohs, R., & Ruggiero, M. (2011). Communicating sponsorships: Affiliation vs. contribution. 2011 ANZMAC Conference, Perth, Australia, November 28-30 2011
Wolfsteiner, E., & Grohs, R. (2011). (In)correct sponsor/ambusher (non)identification: An experiment. Proceedings of the 40th EMAC Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 24-27 2011
Grohs, R. (2011). Sportsponsoring: Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven aus der Sicht des Marketing. 1. Innsbrucker Sportökonomie und -management Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, March 17 2011
Woisetschläger, D., Grohs, R., & Reisinger, H. (2011). Neglected consequences of sponsorship deal terminations: An empirical examination. Brand Camp 1, Obergurgl, Austria, February 27 – March 2 2011
Wolfsteiner, E., & Grohs, R. (2011). (In)correct sponsor/ambusher (non)identification: An experimental approach. Brand Camp 1, Obergurgl, Austria, February 27 – March 2 2011
Grohs, R., Wagner, U., & Steiner, R. (2010). Children’s sponsorship recognition and understanding. French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behaviour, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 30 – October 1 2010
Grohs, R., & Reisinger, H. (2010). Sponsorship effects on brand image: The role of exposure and activity involvement. Fourth German-French-Austrian Conference on Quantitative Marketing, Vienna, Austria, September 16-18 2010
Grohs, R., Wagner, U., & Steiner, R. (2010). Child’s play? An investigation into children’s ability to identify sponsors and understand sponsorship intentions. Fourth German-French-Austrian Conference on Quantitative Marketing, Vienna, Austria, September 16-18 2010
Reisinger, H., Grohs, R., & Woisetschläger, D. (2010). Adverse sponsorship effects: Observations and remedies. Fourth German-French-Austrian Conference on Quantitative Marketing, Vienna, Austria, September 16-18 2010
Gazley, A., Krisjanous, J., Fam, K.-S., & Grohs, R. (2010). Like it or not: Ad likeability and dislikeability in Asia. 2010 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September 9-12 2010
Sheu, H., Grohs, R., & Auer-Srnka, K.J. (2010). HIV prevention in schools by empowerment. Poster at the EUFEP-Kongress, Baden, Austria, June 16-18 2010
Auer-Srnka, K.J., Grohs, R., & Thelen, E. (2010). Relationships between orientation, convenience, atmosphere, shopping value and behaviour: Conceptual model and empirical evidence. Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1-4 2010
Grohs, R., Wagner, U., & Steiner, R. (2010). Drivers of correct sponsor identification for children. Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1-4 2010
Grohs, R., Wagner, U., & Steiner, R. (2010). Children’s sponsorship perceptions and sponsor awareness. 5th International Research Days on Marketing Communications, Nancy, France, March 25-26 2010
Reisinger, H., Grohs, R., & Woisetschläger, D. (2008). Adverse sponsorship effects: Observations and remedies. 2008 ANZMAC Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 1-3 2008
Srnka, K.J., Grohs, R., & Schnessl, N. (2008). The impact of perceived retail environment on customer satisfaction and buying behavior: Developing a comprehensive conceptual model. 2008 Global Marketing Conference, Shanghai, China, March 20-23 2008
Reisinger, H., Grohs, R., & Eder, M. (2007). Adverse effects of sponsorship. Proceedings of the 36th EMAC Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 22-25 2007
Grohs, R., & Steffen, M. (2005). Correct sponsor memorisation: Drivers and moderators. 2005 ANZMAC Conference, Perth, Australia, December 5-7 2005
Grohs, R., & Reisinger, H. (2005). Image transfer in sponsorships – An assessment of moderating effects. Proceedings of the 34th EMAC Conference, Milan, Italy, May 24-27 2005
Grohs, R., & Reisinger, H. (2004). Assessing the effectiveness of sponsorships: The impact of event related factors. Proceedings of the 33rd EMAC Conference, Murcia, Spain, May 18-21 2004
Grohs, R., & Reisinger, H. (2004). An assessment of factors driving the strength of image transfer in sports sponsorships – Conceptual analysis and empirical study. 1st French International Research Day on Marketing Communications, Nancy, France, March 26 2004
Grohs, R., Wagner, U., & Vsetecka, S. (2003). Assessing the effectiveness of sport sponsorships – An empirical examination. 2nd International Conference on Research in Advertising, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 16-17 2003
Grohs, R., Srnka, K.J., & Eckler, I. (2002). Increasing the efficiency of fundraising by better understanding the donor – Results of an empirical study on the impact of socio-demographics on individual charitable giving. Proceedings of the 31st EMAC Conference, Braga, Portugal, May 28-31 2002