Assistenzprofessur für Entrepreneurship
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Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Theresa Treffers
Telefon: +43 6212 2626 31
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Theresa Treffers
Theresa Treffers ist seit 2016 Associate Professorin für Management und Entrepreneurship an der Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg. Seit 2017 ist sie gleichzeitig wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Habilitandin an der TUM School of Management der Technischen Universität München (Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe). Sie studierte BWL an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München und an der National University of Singapore. Anschließend absolvierte sie einen zusätzlichen Master of Business Research an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, an der sie 2011 auch promovierte. Nach der Promotion arbeitete sie als Postdoktorandin in einem durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderten Projekt an der Rotterdam School of Economics. Von 2013 bis 2016 war sie als Assistant Professorin in Entrepreneurship an der Technischen Universität Eindhoven in den Niederlanden beschäftigt. 2018 war sie Gastprofessorin an der Universität St. Gallen.
Ihre Forschungsinteressen beziehen sich auf den Einfluss psychologischer Faktoren auf das Entscheidungsverhalten in Organisationen und auf die Digitale Transformation von Unternehmen. Ihre Forschung wurde schon mehrfach ausgezeichnet mit Preisen und Best Paper Awards und in anerkannten Fachzeitschriften wie dem Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal for Business Economics, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice oder Long Range Planning veröffentlicht. Sie lehrt zu Organisation, Führung, Human Ressource Management, Entrepreneurship & Innovation und empirischen Forschungsmethoden.
Persönliche Angaben | |
29.12.1982 | Geboren als Theresa Michl in München (Deutschland) |
Akademischer Werdegang | |
Seit 2017 | Postdoctoral Scholar (Chair of Strategy & Organisation) an der TUM School of Management, Deutschland |
Seit 2016 | Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship an der Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg, Österreich |
09/2018-02/2020 | karenziert |
02/2018-07/2018 | Guest Professor in Entrepreneurship an der University of St.Gallen, Schweiz |
10/2015-02/2017 | karenziert |
2013-2016 | Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship (Innovation, Technology, Entrepreneurship and Marketing, Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences) an der Technischen Universität Eindhoven, Niederlanden |
2011-2013 | Postdoctoral Research Scientist (Insitute for Information, Organisation and Management) an der Munich School of Management, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Deutschland |
2008-2011 | PhD in Business Administration (Dr. oec. publ., summa cum laude) an der Munich School of Management, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Deutschland |
2009-2010 | Master in Business Research an der Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Deutschland |
2003-2008 | Bachelor and Masters in Business Administration (Diplom-Kauffrau) an der Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Deutschland |
Mitgliedschaften | |
German Academic Association for Business Research [VHB] (seit 2012), Academy of Management: Entrepreneurship Division and Managerial & Organizational Cognition (seit 2009) |
Professur in Zahlen
Teammitglieder und betreute Dissertant:innen
Robert Modliba
Externer Dissertant
Eva Burgstaller
Externe Dissertantin
Sandra Windisch
Externe Doktorandin
Robert Modliba
Robert Modliba forscht im Rahmen seiner kumulativen Dissertation an der Schnittstelle zwischen Leadership und Innovation. Neben dem Thema negative leadership sind weitere Schwerpunkte seiner Forschung einerseits der Zusammenhang zwischen Leader-Member Exchange und Innovative Work Behavior and andererseits die Diversität von Top Management Teams und deren Auswirkung auf die finanzielle Performance der jeweiligen Unternehmen. Forschungsleitende Fragen des systematischen Literaturvergleichs sind bspw. die Ursachen und Konsequenzen unterschiedlicher Konstrukte von negativer Führung und deren Kongruenz. Die beiden quantitativen Studien adressieren, inwieweit Führung auf Mitarbeiter:innenverhalten und Persönlichkeitsprofile auf kommerziellen Erfolg wirken. Der Konnex zur beruflichen Praxis ist für Robert Modliba damit mehr als gegeben, der als Bereichsleiter Logistik sowie als Geschäftsführer tätig ist.
Profil der Professur
- Entrepreneurship & Startups
- Diversität, Gleichbehandlung, Inklusion und Zugehörigkeit
- Dysfunktionale Führung
- Digitale Transformation und Künstliche Intelligenz
- Forschungsseminar
- Forschungsseminar: Personalpsychologie
- Forschungsseminar: Digital Business
- Qualitative & Quantitative Forschungsmethoden
- Digital Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Entrepreneurship & Business Development
- Instrumente des Personalmanagements und der Organisationsentwicklung
- Bachelorseminar
- Academy of Management (AOM), ENT und OB Division
- Der Verband der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft
- Stela Ivanova (TU Eindhoven)
- Ann-Carolin Ritter (TUM, Co-Betreuung)
- Nadja Born (TUM, Co-Betreuung)
- Riccarda Joas (TUM, Co-Betreuung)
- Malin Fiedler (TUM, Co-Betreuung)
- Kiri Trier (Seeburg)
- Robert Modliba (Seeburg)
- Eva Burgstaller (Seeburg)
- Marc Dal-Canton (Seeburg)
- Sandra Windisch (Seeburg)
Über Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Theresa Treffers
Theresa Treffers ist seit 2016 Associate Professorin für Management und Entrepreneurship an der Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg. Seit 2017 ist sie gleichzeitig wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Habilitandin an der TUM School of Management der Technischen Universität München (Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe). Sie studierte BWL an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München und an der National University of Singapore. Anschließend absolvierte sie einen zusätzlichen Master of Business Research an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, an der sie 2011 auch promovierte. Nach der Promotion arbeitete sie als Postdoktorandin in einem durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderten Projekt an der Rotterdam School of Economics. Von 2013 bis 2016 war sie als Assistant Professorin in Entrepreneurship an der Technischen Universität Eindhoven in den Niederlanden beschäftigt. 2018 war sie Gastprofessorin an der Universität St. Gallen.
Ihre Forschungsinteressen beziehen sich auf den Einfluss psychologischer Faktoren auf das Entscheidungsverhalten in Organisationen und auf die Digitale Transformation von Unternehmen. Ihre Forschung wurde schon mehrfach ausgezeichnet mit Preisen und Best Paper Awards und in anerkannten Fachzeitschriften wie dem Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal for Business Economics, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice oder Long Range Planning veröffentlicht. Sie lehrt zu Organisation, Führung, Human Ressource Management, Entrepreneurship & Innovation und empirischen Forschungsmethoden.
Meine Buchempfehlung
Andy Field: Discovering statistics using R
Mein Lieblingszitat
We have met the enemy and he is us (Pogo, Walt Kelley)
Mein Tipp an Studierende
tomorrow you wish you had started today. The best time to start is NOW.
Mein kuriosestes Erlebnis
Präsenzunterricht zu Führung halten während Eheschließung im Trausaal stattfindet.
Mein perfekter Tag
(an der Seeburg) Bergblick und Badewetter
Meine Hörbuch-/Podcastempfehlung
WorkLife with Adam Grant
Awards und Auszeichnungen der Professur
2023: Best Paper in TIM Division: Fiedler, M., Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M.: The impact of institutional and individual determinants on academic patenting, presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
2023: Best Paper in Conference Award: Joas, R., Heidegger, L., Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M.: Foregone potential? The effects of gender and ethnic diversity on new venture funding, accepted for presentation at the 2023 Diana International Research Conference, Wellesley, USA.
2021: Best Paper Proceedings: Ritter, A.-C., Treffers, T., Hein, A., Weking, J., Hermes, S., Böhm, M., Krcmar, H.: Towards a strategy for resource mobilization to generate high funding during new venture creation, presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
2019-2016: Women in Science Tenure Track program, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands.
2011: Dissertation award from the Ludwig Maximilian University’s Management Alumni.
2011: Best Paper Award in the track, “Behavioral Economics & Neuroeconomics” and Best Paper in Conference Award for, In the mood for risk? An experiment on moods and risk preferences, presented at NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference 2011, Munich, Germany.
2010: First prize for the dissertation proposal, Innovation, organization, and affective decision-making by the German scientific commission for Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Kiel, Germany.
2010: John Bessant Best Paper award for, Managing strategic ambidexterity: The spin-along approach, presented at 11th international CINet conference, Zurich, Switzerland.
2009-2013: Mentee at the Munich School of Management mentoring program for excellent female scientists. Mentor: Prof. Dr. Anja Tuschke.
2009: First prize for Master’s thesis, Measuring the effects of emotions and cognitive appraisals on the evaluation and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunity from the University of Cooperative Education in Mannheim, Germany.
2008: Best Paper Award for, Appraisal and affect in entrepreneurial decision-making, presented at NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference 2008, Munich, Germany.
Publikationen und Transferleistungen der Professur
Ivanova, S., Treffers, T., Langerak, F., Groth, M. (2022): Holding Back or Letting Go?
The Effect of Emotion Suppression on Relationship Viability in New Venture Teams.Bartholomeyczik, K., Gusenbauer, M., Treffers, T. (2022): The influence of incidental emotions on decision-making under risk and uncertainty: a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental evidence, in: Cognition & Emotion.
Ritter, A.-C.; Treffers, T.; Hein, A.; Weking, J.; Hermes, S; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H. (2021): Towards a Strategy for Resource Mobilization to Generate High Funding during New Venture Creation, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2021.
Treffers, T.; Klarner, P.; Huy, Q.N. (2019): Emotions, time, and strategy: The effects of happiness and sadness on strategic decision-making under time constraints, Long Range Planning
Koellinger, P.D.; Treffers, T. (2015): Joy leads to overconfidence, and a simple countermeasure, PLOS ONE, 10(12): e0143263.
Bartholomeyczik, K., Gusenbauer, M., Treffers, T. (2022): The influence of incidental emotions on decision-making under risk and uncertainty: a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental evidence, Cognition & Emotion,
Ivanova, S., Treffers, T., Langerak, F., Groth, M. (2022): Holding Back oder Letting Go? The Effect of Emotion Suppression on Relationship Viability in New Venture Teams, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice,
Treffers T., Welpe I. (2021) Das nächste Kapitel virtueller Führung und Zusammenarbeit, ZFPG, Jg. 7, Nr. 1, S. 27-33. DOI: 10.17193/HNU.ZFPG.07.01.2021-05
K. K. Trier, and Treffers, T. (2021): „Agile Project Management in Creative Industries: A systematic literature review and future research directions,“ 2021 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference – Europe (TEMSCON-EUR), pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/TEMSCON-EUR52034.2021.9488611.
K. K. Trier, and Treffers, T. (2021): „Initial empirical evidence for Agile Project Management in the Film Industry,“ 2021 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference – Europe (TEMSCON-EUR), pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/TEMSCON-EUR52034.2021.9488606.
Dennstädt, F., Treffers, T., Iseli, T. et al. (2021) Creation of clinical algorithms for decision-making in oncology: an example with dose prescription in radiation oncology. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 21, 212.
Ritter, A.-C.; Treffers, T.; Hein, A.; Weking, J.; Hermes, S; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H. (2021): Towards a Strategy for Resource Mobilization to Generate High Funding during New Venture Creation, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2021.
Treffers, T.; Putora, P. M. (2020): Emotions as Social Information in Shared Decision-Making in Oncology, Oncology. doi: 10.1159/000505341.
Treffers, T.; Klarner, P.; Huy, Q. N. (2019): Emotions, time, and strategy: The effects of happiness and sadness on strategic decision-making under time constraints, Long Range Planning.
Treffers, T.; Klyver, K.; Søgaard Nielsen, M.; Uy, M.A. (2018): Feel the commitment: From situational emotional information to venture goal commitment, International Small Business Journal:
Ivanova, S.; Treffers, T.; Langerak, F. (2018): Emotional paths leading to opportunity desirability and feasibility beliefs through controllability, International Small Business Journal, 36(5), 546-573.
Treffers, T., Koellinger, P.D. & Picot, A. (2016). In the mood for risk? An experiment adressing the effects of moods on risk preferences. Schmalenbach Business Review.
Baillon, A., Koellinger, P.D. & Treffers, T. (2016). Sadder but wiser: The effects of emotional states on ambiguity attitudes, Journal of Economic Psychology, 53, 67-82.
Koellinger, P.D. & Treffers, T. (2015). Joy leads to overconfidence, and a simple countermeasure. PLOS ONE, 10(12), e0143263.
Koellinger, P.D., Mell, J., Pohl, I., Roessler, C. & Treffers, T. (2014). Self-employed but looking: A labour market expirement, Economica, 82(325), 137-161.
Klarner, P., Treffers, T. & Picot, A. (2013). How companies motivate entrepreneurial employees: The case of organizational spin-alongs. Journal for Business Economics [Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaftslehre], 83(4), 319-355.
Michl, T., Gold, B., & Picot, A. (2013). Managing strategic ambidexterity: The spin-along approach. International Journal of Technology Management, 61(1), 47-63.
Michl, T.; Gold, B. & Picot, A. (2012). The spin-along approach: Ambidextrous corporate venturing management, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 15(1), 39-56.
Michl, T., Welpe, I.M., Spoerrle, M., Grichnik, D. & Picot, A. (2012). The influence of cognition and affect on entrepreneurial decisions: A comparative analysis of employees and entrepreneurs. Journal for Business Economics [Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft], 82.(3), 275-304. [German]
Welpe, I.M., Spoerrle, M., Grichnik, D., Michl, T. & Audretsch, D. (2012). Emotions and opportunities: The interplay of opportunity evaluation, joy, fear, and anger as antecedent of entrepreneurial exploitation. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 36(1), 69-96.
Michl, T., Welpe, I.M., Spoerrle, M. & Picot, A. (2010). The influence of affective states on the strategic decision-making-process. Management Research [Managementforschung], 20, 79-112. [German]
Welpe, I; Michl, T., Spoerrle, M. (2010). Management Consultancy or Coaching? How you find the suitable consulting approach for your projects.Leadership + Organization, 79 (4), 257-264. [German]
Treffers, T. , Stumpf-Wollersheim, J., Welpe, I.M. (2023): Künstliche Intelligenz in Kundeninteraktionen – Chancen und Herausforderungen für KMU. Der Betriebswirt, Heft 3/2023.
Fiedler, M., Heidegger, L., Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M. (2023): Entrepreneurship Performance Deutscher Hochschulen 2023. Chair for Strategy and Organization (TUM).
Treffers, T.: Statement des Monats Juni 2023 für das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend.
Treffers, T., Uhlemann, K., Schöllhorn, P., Welpe, I.M. (2023): Konzerntransformation. In Kooperation mit Noerr Partnergesellschaft mbB Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Wirtschaftsprüfer.
Treffers, T. , Welpe, I.M. (2023): Künstliche Intelligenz wird Ihre neue Kollegin – und vielleicht auch Vorgesetzte sein. HR-Profi.
Treffers, T. , Born, N. Welpe, I.M., Winkler, B. (2023): Wie DEI-Programme Erfolg haben: Von unwirksamen Maßnahmen hin zu echter Wirksamkeit. Organisationsentwicklung, Ausgabe 04/2023.
Born, N., Treffers, T. , Welpe, I.M. (2023): Wie sich Diversität weiter denken lässt: Die Macht der Bilder, Sprache, und Strukturen. Personalführung, Heft 06/2023.
Born, N., Treffers, T. , Welpe, I.M. (2023): Kein Nullsummenspiel: DEI kommt allen Geschlechtern zugute. Personalwirtschaft, Ausgabe 05_2023, S. 22-27.
Treffers, T. , Heidegger, L., Welpe, I.M. (2022): Gender diversity in German and French startups – still a long way to go to close the gap. In cooperation with the Roland Berger Foundation for European Corporate Management.
Welpe, I.M., Treffers, T. (2021): Wie Frauen in den Vorstand von Dax-Firmen aufsteigen, in: manager magazin
Treffers, T. , Welpe I. (2021): Das nächste Kapitel virtueller Führung und Zusammenarbeit, ZFPG, Jg. 7, Nr. 1, S. 27-33. DOI: 10.17193/HNU.ZFPG.07.01.2021-05
Treffers, T. (2021): Studie – Wie Frauen es in die Chefetage schaffen. Deutschlandfunk Nova.
Treffers, T.; Welpe, I.M. (2021): Digitale Zusammenarbeit für Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter, Zeitschrift für Führung und Personalmanagement in der Gesundheitswirtschaft, Thema „Digitale Führung“.
Treffers, T. (2020): Homeoffice, eine Frage des Charakters, Interview mit der Volkszeitung (Österreich), 18. Juni 2020.
Modliba, R., Fischer, S.†, Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M. (2023): Leader-member exchange and innovative work behavior: The mediating role of creative self-efficacy and support for innovation, accepted for presentation at the ISPIM conference, Salzburg, Austria.
Fiedler, M., Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M. (2023): The impact of institutional and individual determinants on academic patenting, presented at the Workshop der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Technologie, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (WK TIE) [German Academic Association for Business Research – Scientific Workshop on Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship], Frankfurt, Germany.
Joas, R., Fischer, S., Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M. (2023): “Think Digital, Think Female?” – Overcoming sstereotypes of managers responsible for digital transformation, presented at the Strategic Management Society 43rd Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Born, N., Treffers, T. (2023). Evidence from an experience sampling study about a mindfulness intervention against gender bias, presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
Fiedler, M., Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M. (2023): The impact of institutional and individual determinants on academic patenting, presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA. (Best Paper in TIM Division).
Joas, R., Heidegger, L., Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M. (2023): Foregone potential? The
effects of gender and ethnic diversity on new venture funding, presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
Joas, R., Heidegger, L., Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M. (2023): Foregone potential? The effects of gender and ethnic diversity on new venture funding, presented at the 2023 Diana International Research Conference, Wellesley, USA. (Best Paper in Conference Award)
Joas, R., Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M. (2023): What is holding women back? – The challenges of female entrepreneurial activity in the context of the macroeconomic maturity level, presented at the 2023 Diana International Research Conference, Wellesley, USA.
Born, N., Treffers, T. (2023). Breaking a mindless habit: evidence from an experience sampling study about the effectiveness of a mindfulness intervention against gender bias, presented at the Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Ireland.
Joas, R., Heidegger, L., Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M. (2023): Foregone potential? The effects of gender and ethnic diversity on new venture funding, presented at the European Academy of Management Conference, Dublin, Ireland
Ritter, A.-C., Treffers, T., Wiesenfeld, B. (2022): The role of ambivalence for innovative work behavior during crisis: A longitudinal quasi-experiment, accepted for presentation at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Ritter, A.C.; Treffers, T.; Langerak, F. (Mar 2022): The Role of Emotion in Transfers between Members in Virtual Teams during Idea Sprints in a Hybrid Agile-Stage-Gate Setting, presented at the VHB-Jubiläumstagung. (virtual)
Modliba, R.; Treffers, T. (Mar 2022): The good, the bad, and the evil of negative leadership: A systematic literature review and research agenda, presented at the VHB-Jubiläumstagung. (virtual)
Ritter, A.C.; Treffers, T.; Langerak, F. (Mar 2022): The Role of Emotion in Transfers between Members in Virtual Teams during Idea Sprints in a Hybrid Agile-Stage-Gate Setting, accepted for presentation at the VHB-Jubiläumstagung. (virtual)
Modliba, R.; Treffers, T. (Mar 2022): The good, the bad, and the evil of negative leadership: A systematic literature review and research agenda, accepted for presentation at the VHB-Jubiläumstagung. (virtual)
Modliba, R.; Treffers, T. (Aug 2021): Dysfunctional Leadership. A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Virtual.
Ritter, A.-C.; Treffers, T.; Hein, A.; Weking, J.; Hermes, S; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H. (Aug 2021): Towards a Strategy for Resource Mobilization to Generate High Funding during New Venture Creation, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Virtual.
K. K. Trier and T. Treffers, „Agile Project Management in Creative Industries: A systematic literature review and future research directions,“ 2021 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference – Europe (TEMSCON-EUR), 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/TEMSCON-EUR52034.2021.9488611.
K. K. Trier and T. Treffers, „Initial empirical evidence for Agile Project Management in the Film Industry,“ 2021 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference – Europe (TEMSCON-EUR), 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/TEMSCON-EUR52034.2021.9488606.
Ritter, A.-C.; Weking, J.; Treffers, T. (Sept 2020): A Qualitative Study about Resource Mobilization for New Venture Creation, presented at the 24. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum). (virtual)
Hagerer, I., Treffers, T. (shared first authorship), Hoffmann, A., Richly, C.; Baier, S.; Welpe, I.M. (Sept 2020): PlayMINT – Still Playing or Already Leading? Design of a Digital Learning Game to Promote Female STEM Students’ Innovative Work Behavior and Digital Leadership, presented at the 14th European Conference on Game Based Learning, Brighton, UK. (virtual)
Ritter, A.-C.; Treffers, T.; Sirén, C.; Welpe, I.M. (Sept 2020): Relationship Development in New Product Development Teams: The Interpersonal Effects of Excitement and Frustration on Coworker Exchange Quality, presented at PDMA, JPIM Research Forum. (virtual)
Trier, K.K., Treffers, T.: Initial empirical evidence for Agile Project Management in the Film Industry, accepted for presentation at IEEE Temscon-Eur.
Ritter, A.C.R.; Treffers, T.; Sirén, C.: Relationship Development in New Product Development Teams: The Interpersonal Effects of Excitement and Frustration on Coworker Exchange Quality, PDMA Virtual Mini Conference and JPIM Virtual Research Forum.
Ritter, A.C.R.; Weking, J.; Treffers, T.; Welpe, I.M.: A qualitative study about resource mobilization for new venture creation, presented at G-Forum.
Ritter, A.-C., Langemeier, J., Hoffmann, A., Treffers, T. (2020): Entrepreneurship in Times of Crisis. VHB 100 Call for Inspirations. (
Trier, K. K., Treffers, T. (Sept 2019). Agility in the Firm Industry – A Comparative Analysis of the Feature Film and Software Development Industry, presented at the 11th Competence-Based Strategic Management Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany.
Burkhard, B., Sirén, C., Treffers, T. & Grichnik, D. (Aug 2019). A Laboratory Study on the Interplay of Team Emotions and Team Learning, presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
Ivanova, S., Treffers, T. & Groth, M. (Jun 2019). Holding back or letting go: A social-functional perspective of new venture founders‘ emotional regulation, presented at the 38th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Wellesley, USA.
Mehrwald, P.; Treffers, T.; Titze, M.; Welpe, I.M. (Jan 2019): Application of Blockchain Technology in the Sharing Economy: A Model of Trust and Intermediation, presented at the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS), Maui, USA.
**Ivanova, S.; Treffers, T.; Langerak, F. (Aug 2018): Time to disengagement in the nascent venturing process, presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, USA.
**Ivanova, S.; Treffers, T.; Langerak, F. (June 2018): Long term orientation of entrepreneurial action and time to disengagement in the nascent stage. Evidence from the harmonized panel study of entrepreneurial dynamics, presented at the 37th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Waterford, Ireland.
Ivanova, S.; Treffers, T.; Langerak, F. (Aug 2017): Emotion appraisal tendencies driving the formation of opportunity desirability and feasibility beliefs, presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA.
Ivanova, S.; Treffers, T.; Langerak, F. (June 2017): Emotion Appraisal Tendencies Driving the Formation of Opportunity Desirability and Feasibility Beliefs, presented at the 36th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Oklahoma, USA.
Treffers, T., Klarner, P. & Huy, Q. (2016). Feelings when the clock is ticking – Emotions, time pressure, and strategic change, accepted for presentation at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.
Treffers, T., Klyver, K., Sørgaard-Nielsen, M. & Uy, M.A. (2016). The influence of emotional support on the commitment to entrepreneurial intentions, accepted for presentation at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.
Treffers, T., Sandner, P. & Stam, E. (2016). Recruiter perception of entrepreneur’s human capital, accepted for presentation at 35th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Bodø, Norway.
Treffers, T., Klarner, P. & Huy, Q. (2016). Feelings when the clock is ticking – Emotions, time pressure, and strategic change, accepted for presentation at the German Academic Association for Business Research – Scientific Workshop on Organization (VHB), Munich, Germany.
Treffers, T. & Fehse, K. (2015). Be happy, but always remember: The neural correlates of affect and overconfidence, presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.
Treffers, T., Sandner, P. & Stam, E. (2015). Entrepreneurial exit intentions and recruitment barriers, accepted for presentation at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.
Baillon, A., Koellinger, P.D. & Treffers, T. (2014). Sadder but wiser: The effects of affective states and weather on ambiguity attitudes, presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA.
Koellinger, P.D. & Treffers, T. (2014). Joy leads to overconfidence, and a simple remedy, presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA.
Treffers, T., Fehse, K. & Gutyrchik, E. (2014). Be happy, but always remember: The neural correlates of affect and overconfidence, presented at the NeuroPsychoEconomicConference, Munich, Germany.
Koellinger, P.D., Mell, J., Pohl, I., Roessler, C. & Treffers, T. (2013). Self-employment but looking: A labor market experiment, presented at the German scientific commission for Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Koellinger, P.D., Mell, J., Pohl, I., Roessler, C. & Treffers, T. (2013). Self-employment but looking: A labor market experiment, presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, FI, USA.
Koellinger, P.D., Mell, J., Pohl, I., Roessler, C. & Treffers, T. (2013). Self-employment but looking: A labor market experiment, presented at the 4th IZA Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Koellinger, P.D., Mell, J., Pohl, I., Roessler, C. & Treffers, T. (2013). Self-employment but looking: A labor market experiment, presented at the 32nd Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Lyon, France.
Michl, T., Koellinger, P.D. & Picot, A. (2012). In the mood for the risk? An experiment on moods and risk preferences, presented at the 30th International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Cape Town, South Africa.
Klarner, P., Michl, T. & Picot, A. (2012). How companies motivate entrepreneurial employees: The case of organizational spin-alongs, presented at the DRUID summer conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Michl, T., Koellinger, P.D. & Picot, A. (2012). In the mood for the risk? An experiment on moods and risk preferences, presented at the DRUID summer conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Klarner, P., Michl, T. & Picot, A. (2012). How companies motivate entrepreneurial employees: The case of organizational spin-alongs, presented at the NeuroPsychoEconomicsConference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Koellinger, P.D. & Michl, T. (2012). Joy leads to overconfidence – and a simple remedy, presented at the NeuroPsychoEconomicsConference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Klarner, P., Michl, T., Picot, A. (2012). How companies motivate entrepreneurial employees: The case of organizational spin-alongs, presented at the 12th European Academy of Management (EURAM), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Koellinger, P.D. & Michl, T. (2012). Joy leads to overconfidence – and a simple remedy, presented at the 12th European Academy of Management (EURAM), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Koellinger, P.D. & Michl, T. (2011). Bitter joy, sweet sadness? An experiment on moods and overconfidence, presented at the 12th European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Istanbul, Turkey.
Michl, T., Koellinger, P.D. & Picot, A. (2011). In the mood for risk? An experiment on moods and risk preference, presented at the 12th European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Istanbul, Turkey.
Koellinger, P.D. & Michl, T. (2011): Bitter Joy, Sweet Fear? An experiment on moods and risk preferences, presented at the 29th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Syracuse, NJ, USA.
Krueger, N., Welsh, D.H.B. & Michl, T. (2011). Entrepreneurial Cognition and Social Entrepreneurial Cogntion: A Research Prospectus, presented at the 4th Research Colloquium on Social Entrepreneurship, Durham, NC, USA.
Michl, T., Koellinger, P.D. & Picot, A. (2011). In the mood for risk? An experiment on moods and risk preference, presented at the 11th European Academy of Management (EURAM), Tallinn, Estonia.
Michl, T., Koellinger, P.D. & Picot, A. (2011). In the mood for risk? An experiment on moods and risk preference, presented at the NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, Munich, Germany.
Schuetzeichel, J., Michl, T. & Picot, A. (2011). A neuroexperimental design on the influence of the experienced gains and losses in risk-taking behavior, presented at the NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, Munich, Germany.
Michl, T., Gold, B. & Picot, A. (2011). The spin-along approach: Ambidextrous corporate venturing management, presented at the 9th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Reserach (IECER), Munich, Germany.
Michl, T. & Picot, A. (2011). The leadership-based nexus of ambidexterity’s antecedents in the spin-along approach, presented at the 8th International Entrepreneurship and Research Exchange (AGSE), Melbourne, Australia.
Krueger, N., Welsh, H.B.D. & Michl, T. (2010). Everything (New) that I know about Intentions… I Learned from Social & Sustainable Entrepreneurs, presented at the 7th Annual Satter Conference on Social Entrepreneurs, New York, NY, USA.
Krueger, N., Welsh, H.B.D. & Michl, T. (2010). Moving Past „Productive, Unproductive & Destructive“: How Social Entrepreneurship Helps Us Generalize Baumol’s Typology, presented at the 7th Annual Satter Conference on Social Entrepreneurs, New York, NY, USA.
Michl, T., Gold, B. & Picot, A. (2010). Managaing strategic ambidexterity: The spin-along approach, presented at the 11th International Continous Innovation Network (CINet) Conference , Zurich, Switzerland.
Spoerrle, M., Bekk, M., Michl, T., Kerschreiter, R. & Hofstede, G. (2010). My organization has my personality – The incremental contribution of personality-based fit between employees and organizations in predicting job satisfaction and afective commitment, presented at the 47th Congress of the German Association for Psychology, Bremen, Germany. [German]
Schuetzeichel, J. & Michl, T. (2010). A neuroeconomic perspective on age and risk-taking behavior, presented at the LabSi Conference on Neuroscience and Decision Making, Santa Chiara, Italy.
Michl, T. & Picot, A. (2010). The spin-along approach: Gaining strategic leeway through ambidextrous corporate venturing, presented at the 3rd Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AIE), Beijing, China.
Michl, T., Welpe, I.M., Spoerrle, M. & Picot, A. (2010). Filling the gap in the individual opportunity nexus, presented at the 8th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Regensburg, Germany.
Gold, B., Michl, T. & Picot, A. (2010). Ambidextrous corporate venturing: The spin-along approach, presented at the German Academic Association for Business Resarch – Scientific Workshop on Organization, Berlin, Germany.
Michl, T., Taing, S., Schuetzeichel, J. & Welpe, I.M. (2009). A neuroeconomic perspective on strategic decision-making, presented at the NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, Bonn, Germany.
Michl, T. & Taing, S. (2009). Can neuroeconomics better predict strategic decision-making? presented at the Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making (SPUDM22) Conference , Rovereto, Italy.
Michl, T., Welpe, I.M., Spoerrle, M. & Picot, A. (2009). Cognitive and affective determinants of entrepreneurial decisions experimentally examined, presented at the 11th European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Oslo, Norway.
Michl, T., Welpe, I.M., Spoerrle, M., Grichnik, D. & Picot, A. (2009). This is a good (bad) entrepreneurial opportunity! – About the relevance of subjective information processing of objective entrepreneurial opportunities, presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Nuremberg, Germany. [German]
Michl, T, Welpe, I.M., Spoerrle, M. & Picot, A. (2009). Emotions, cognitions and the individual-opportunity nexus, presented at the 28th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC) , Babson College, Wellesley, MA, USA.
Michl, T., Welpe, I.M., Spoerrle, M. & Picot, A. (2009). An experimental investigation of cognitive and emotional determinants of entrepreneurial decisions?, presented at the 51st Conference for Experimental Psychology, Jena, Germany. [German]
Michl, T., Welpe, I.M., Picot, A. & Spoerrle, M. (2009). What and who can influence (potential) entrepreneurs in their entrepreneurial decision? presented at the German Academic Association fpr Business Research – Scientific Workshop on Organization, Berlin, Germany.
Taing, S. & Michl, T. (2009): Global entrepreneurship – how Germany can learn from Asian entrepreneurship, presented at the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) Conference , Harvard, CA, USA.
Michl, T., Welpe, I.M., Spoerrle, M. & Picot, A. (2008). How emotions and cognitions shape the entrepreneurial decision-making process, presented at the 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Enterpreneurship Conference (G-Forum), Dortmund, Germany.
Michl, T., Welpe, I.M., Spoerrle, M. & Picot, A. (2008). Appraisal and affect in entrepreneurial decision-making, presented at the NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, , Munich, Germany
Treffers, T. (2017). Neuroexperimental designs for study of emotions and cognitions in entrepreneurship, in: M.J., Day, M.C., Boardman & N., Krueger (eds.), Handbook of Research Methodologies and Design in Neuro-entrepreneurship, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Treffers, T. & Fehse, K. (2016). The neural correlates of emotion and overconfidence in strategic decision making, in: T.K., Das (eds.), Decision Making in Behavorial Strategy. Greenwich: Information Age Publishing.
Treffers, T., Welpe, I.M., Spoerrle, M. & Picot, A. (2016). The role of emotions and cognitions in entrepreneurial decision making – What’s new?, in: A.L., Carsrud & M.E., Brännback (eds.), Understanding the Entrepreneurial Mind: Opening the Black Box (International Studies in Entrepreneurship. Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer.
Krueger, N., Hansen, D., Michl, T. & Welsh, D.H.B. (2011). Thinking sustainably: An entrepreneurial intentions perspective, in: T., Lumpkin & J., Katz (eds.), Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship (Advances in Entrpreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth; S. 275-309) . Bingley: Emerald.
Michl, T. & Taing, S. (2010). An economic and neuroscientific comparison of strategic decision making, in: M. Day, A., Stanton, I.M., Welpe (eds.), Neuroeconomics and the firm (S.173-193) .Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Michl, T., Welpe, I.M., Spoerrle, M. & Picot, A. (2009). The role of emotions and cognitions in entrepreneurial decision-making, in: A.L., Carsrud & M.E., Brännback (eds.), Understanding the Entrepreneurial Mind: Opening the Black Box (International Studies in Entrepreneurship; S.167-190). Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer.